Tag Archives: children of divorce
Visitation Rights in Illinois
Although the court strives to give every divorcing parent custodial time with his or her children, this is not always feasible. In cases where this cannot be achieved, the noncustodial parent is usually granted visitation rights with his or her children. Visitation rights are court-ordered visits between a parent and child that are meant to maintain the bond between the parent and the child.
Same-Sex Marriage in Illinois
American society is in a constant state of change – especially the field of family law. Just a decade ago, same-sex couples could only dream of getting married in most of the United States. Today, homosexual and heterosexual couples alike have the right to marry in 37 states.
The Blended Family: A New Post-Divorce Dynamic
Following a divorce, many individuals are anxious to put their previous relationship behind them and move forward. For some, this may mean reestablishing themselves as a single person and dating casually. Others may find themselves in another serious romantic relationship and heading toward remarriage. As with many aspects of a post-divorce situation, remarriage can present an interesting combination of emotions and experiences to those involved, especially for children and divorced parents with any type of shared custody arrangement. These emotions can intensify with the prospect of blended family situations, as well.
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Co-Parents: Common Mistakes Divorced Parents Make and How to Avoid Them
Many divorced parent can attest that their divorce was a difficult process. Even the most amicable situations still carry a level of stress and distrust between spouses, and often, the total upheaval of the life of their children. During a divorce, feelings of bitterness and betrayal are frequently most acute, and their effects may last for months and years. For divorcing parents, who now have to co-parent, it is extremely important to avoid projecting such emotions onto the children, regardless of intention.
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Understanding Joint Child Custody under Illinois Law
During the past few years, joint child custody has become a popular choice in Illinois because it permits both parents the opportunity to spend time with their children. In this way, children benefit, too, as they don’t feel cut off from seeing one of their parents. However, joint child custody can have a downside: Co-parenting can exacerbate disagreements between the parents and present long-term challenges.
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Parenting Plans: A New Take on Custody Agreements
In a divorce situation, making arrangements for the custody and care of your children will be among the most difficult decisions to be made. Regardless of your feelings toward your ex-spouse, your children still deserve the best efforts of both parents in providing for them. For this reason, many divorced parents are recognizing the importance of a parenting plan that they have jointly negotiated rather than relying solely on a judge’s interpretation of the law.
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Custody and Visitation: Post-Divorce Holiday Planning
If you believe what you see in department stores, the holiday season has been in full swing for months. At this point, Ebenezer Scrooge himself could hardly deny that the holidays are now right around the corner. For divorced parents, it may be a season of unpredictable emotions as they find themselves trying to negotiate holiday plans and arrangements for their children. Stress, anger, and resentment may threaten to overshadow the happiness and joy of the holidays for those who are not prepared.
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Children of Divorce: A Family Approach to Discussing Divorce
Divorce can be a sensitive subject, especially when delivering such heartbreaking news to kids. While divorce means the dissolution of a marriage, when children are involved, positive guidance should be upheld by both parents. When parents work together, children of divorce have a much easier time adjusting.
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Children of Divorce: Divorce May Affect Wealthier Children More
Nearly 900,000 divorces and annulments occur each year in the United States. Couples of all races, religions, and income brackets are divorcing at fairly consistent rate. One of the primary concerns about divorce has always been how children of divorce adjust to their parents’ breakup. New research, however, seems to indicate that children of divorce who come from low to middle-income families fare better after divorce than their higher-income counterparts.
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Two Homes Can Be Better than One for Children of Divorce
Life can get very confusing and complicated for children of divorce. Even in the best of situations, children can often feel like mere assets to be divided by their parents like furniture or cars. Regardless of how you feel about your ex during and after the divorce, it is extremely important that your children’s comfort and well-being are not overlooked.
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