Tag Archives: after the divorce is final
Taxes and Divorce – What Every Disadvantaged Spouse Should Know
Couples often assume that a finalized divorce is the end of their separation journey, but nothing could be further from the truth. Steps must still be taken to complete the unraveling of finances, and there are still some areas in one’s life that can be impacted by a divorce. For example, a divorce can affect a person’s federal income taxes. Learn more about taxes and divorce for disadvantaged spouses, and how some of the decisions you make now may impact you when you file your taxes next time.
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After the Divorce Is Final
ave you just received word that your divorce is finalized? Divorce can be a draining process physically and emotionally, and finally being through with it should bring a huge sigh of relief. A new life of freedom and opportunity awaits. Clients regularly ask what to do once their divorce is over. Divorce is consuming, so it can be a bit strange to transition suddenly to having no court dates or attorney meetings in your future. While the period after your divorce is certainly a time for celebrating and reflecting, there are a few steps you should take once your divorce is finalized to make sure you have everything in order for your single life.