Category Archives: Child Representative
Back-to-School and Co-Parenting
Back-to-School and Co-Parenting
It might seem as though the time has flown by, but the summer holidays have ended, and autumn is right around the corner. And from the shelves overflowing with notebooks and pens to the demand for new clothes and backpacks, it is abundantly clear that it’s time for many children to head back to school. This is either fantastic or sad depending upon your perspective, however one thing is certain: it’s time to re-evaluate your boundaries, rules, and parenting arrangements with your co-parent.
Get Ready for the School Year
The new school year is a time of adjustment for many reasons. This can include your co-parenting approach, which might change according to your child’s new schedule and the new responsibilities they hold. It is important to make sure you have a good handle upon their school hours and what to expect regarding extracurricular activities. If you already have this information, make sure to share it with your co-parent so that everyone is on the same page and can work together to ensure your child’s success. You’ll also want to work out transportation details for school, extracurriculars, and parenting time in advance.
Revisit House Rules
Something else to keep in mind as the new school year dawns is that your child’s rules might change accordingly. Perhaps you have a new house rule regarding a bedtime, for example, that wasn’t in effect over the summer. It is a good idea to communicate with your co-parent to keep the rules consistent between both houses. Children benefit from structure and keeping the guidelines surrounding their personal and school lives clear from parent to parent can help them thrive.
Communicate with the School
Finally, it might be a good idea to reach out to your child’s school. Being able to speak clearly and honestly with your child’s instructor is always a good idea, and it can help them better understand your child’s needs. Keep in mind that teachers who understand the potential struggles your child might face can serve as your child’s allies by keeping an eye on them and reacting to their actions and needs proactively. This might mean calling you to discuss problem behavior or simply re-directing your child during the school day. Either way, building a positive relationship with your child’s instructors is a good idea to pursue, and one that you could embark upon with your co-parent.
For more information regarding co-parenting and the new school year, as well as how to obtain an official parenting plan, contact the professionals at Abear Law Office today!
The Do’s and Don’ts of Handling a Guardian Ad Litem
There are many divorce and family law cases where a guardian ad litem is appointed to sit in on a case on behalf of the divorcing couple’s child or children. In most guardianship cases, the guardian ad litem can be appointed at no cost, or volunteers from the Community Law Program at Loyola’s Law School can be appointed.
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Guardian ad Litem in Illinois
There are several situations when a divorce may cause a child or children to worry—children who may unfortunately be involved in the divorce process. When this is the case, the parents filing for divorce may not be able to come up with an ideal solution in the child’s or children’s best interests. If this situation arises, the parents may need to bring in another authorized person to assist in making decisions during the divorce process.
Guardian Ad Litem’s Purpose in a Custody Battle
In some custody cases, a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is appointed to add a non-biased opinion on the matter. It is important for both parties to understand the GAL’s job, focus, and the weight of his/her decision before deciding whether to ask for this form of advocacy in a child custody case.
Continue reading Guardian Ad Litem’s Purpose in a Custody Battle
Protecting the Best Interests of Children, Part 2: Attorney for the Child and Child Representative
There are times when divorcing parents allow their own emotions to cloud their judgment related to what is best for their children. It is most often unintentional, but if not addressed, can have serious long-term consequences. Unfair or lopsided custody and visitation arrangements could result, for example, in one parent overwhelmed by responsibility while the other feels alienated. Possible negative effects are definitely not limited to the adults, and in fact, may be even more severe for the children.
Protecting the Best Interests of Children, Part 1: Guardian Ad Litem
It is not uncommon in divorce cases for each party to retain their own attorney for legal advice and representation through the process. Concerns regarding division of property, spousal support and arrangements for the couple’s children all need to be addressed and eventually resolved. Both sides typically have their own beliefs as to how the agreements should be established, often at odds with those of their spouse. In many cases, litigation is necessary.
Continue reading Protecting the Best Interests of Children, Part 1: Guardian Ad Litem