Illinois Post Decree Modifications Lawyers

Modification Attorneys Serving DuPage County & Kane County

In family law, the initial decree in a case is rarely ever the final decree. As circumstances change, it is often necessary to revisit certain issues and renegotiate certain arrangements. Post decree modifications, as they are called, are most commonly used to make alterations to:

At the Abear Law Offices, we are familiar with all types of post decree modifications and work with clients to revise existing decrees to better reflect the current circumstances of their families.

  • When Post Decree Modifications Are Warranted
    There are many circumstances in the life of a family that call for existing legal agreements to be changed. These circumstances include:
  • Remarriage of one or both former spouses. This can alter spousal and child support orders and may impact custody and visitation agreements if one household becomes a more or less stable environment.
  • Children getting older. This can impact child custody and visitation as well as child support, as expenses for older children can often change. Additionally, the wishes of teenage children may enter into decisions made on their behalf.
  • Relocation of a former spouse. If one party would like to move to another area for a job opportunity or another reason, child custody and visitation orders will need to be altered.
  • Child expenses change significantly. For example, if a child becomes ill and requires expensive medical treatment, the non-custodial parent may be required to pay additional child support.

If you need to make adjustments to your existing family court order or are seeking to prevent such an adjustment, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Attorney Anthony Abear works hard to fight for his clients’ interests in mediation and family court.

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