Illinois Domestic Partnership Lawyers

Partnership Agreements and Same-Sex Couples in Illinois

These days, more and more committed couples are unmarried. This can either be a matter of personal preference or due to legal prohibitions, as in the case of same-sex couples. Many of these couples are choosing to enter into legal agreements that simulate some of the elements of a traditional marriage decree. At the Abear Law Offices, we provide legal services for unmarried couples including assistance with domestic partnership agreements.

What are Domestic Partnership Agreements?

Illinois law automatically imparts certain rights (and responsibilities) to married couples that are not afforded to unmarried couples. These rights dramatically impact how couples live their lives and manage their families. In order for unmarried couples to enjoy these same rights, it is necessary to enter into a domestic partnership agreement. A domestic partnership agreement is a contract that establishes the legal rights and responsibilities of each partner in a relationship. These agreements typically include provisions for:

  • How property and assets are owned
  • Powers of attorney
  • Issues of child custody and adoption
  • Estate and inheritance matters
  • How disputes will be handled (i.e. arbitration)

Dissolution of Domestic Partnership Agreements

Just as some marriages end in divorce, some domestic partnerships end in separation. In these cases, it is necessary to dissolve the domestic partnership agreement in place. These cases proceed similarly to a divorce in which a pre-nuptial agreement was in place, as typically domestic partnerships included provisions for separation.

If you are interested in creating or dissolving a domestic partnership agreement, contact us to schedule a consultation. Attorney Anthony Abear is experienced in working with both same-sex and heterosexual couples on these matters.

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